Monday, April 15, 2013

Birdy Quotes

"Some people are drawn to the beauty of birds, or the variety of songs the birds sing. They may love the sight of a bird they’ve never seen. Others like the social aspect that naturally comes along with bird watching. Bird watching is growing in popularity and many people choose to travel on group trips in order to learn about the world of birds. There’s no doubt that bird watching is very peaceful, but it’s also exciting. There’s an element of mystery involved when you begin a bird watching outing. You never know what you might see; you can’t always predict what sort of bird you might spot on your trip. And of course there’s the thrill that comes when you finally spot a bird you’ve been hoping to see. One of the other benefits is that it can be done anywhere (anywhere outdoors, at least) and there also isn’t a lot of gear required to enjoy it. What do you need? You will need a good pair of binoculars, some hiking shoes, a field guide so you know what to look for, possibly a notebook, and a great place to go!"
"Birds have wings and tend to use them."
"Here are the Seven Pleasures of Birding, at least as I've determined them:

1. The beauty of the birds.
2. The beauty of being in a natural setting.
3. The joys of hunting, without the bloodshed.
4. The joy of collecting (in that the practice of keeping lists - life lists, day lists, etc.; appeals to the same impulse as, say, stamp collecting).
5. The joy of puzzle-solving (in making those tough identifications).
6. The pleasure of scientific discovery (new observations about behavior, etc.).
and saving the best for last,

7. The Unicorn Effect - After you've been birding for even a little while, there are birds you've heard of or seen in books that capture your imagination, but you've never seen for yourself...and then one day, there it is in front of you, as if some mythical creature has stepped out of a storybook and come to life. There's no thrill quite like it."
-Chris Cooper
"Birds have wings; they're free; they can fly where they want when they want. They have the kind of mobility many people envy."
"Hunting, fishing, drawing, and music occupied my every moment. Cares I knew not, and cared naught about them."

Of all the quotes I have listed, my favorite is short and sweet: "Birds have wings and tend to use them."

-Mr. Bird 

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